For wedding gifts and favors, choose IdoIdo-Wedding Favors for all your wedding reception needs. We specialise in wedding gifts of all kinds and styles, from Oriental favors to Western-styled favors. When throwing the perfect event, it’s always important to give your guests a gift that will help them remember and cherish your special day long after. And don’t forget to choose items to give to your bridal event guest. The perfect gift will help keep the memory of your big day alive and they will treasure being a part of your bridal event forever with our special bridal favors.

IdoIdo-Wedding Favors is a company dedicated to providing customers with ideas and inspiration for all their wedding needs. Choosing the right party favor or bridal favors should not be stressful, and we can help make sure the selection process is as easy as it can be. Our service is of the highest quality, as are our favors, so feel free to ask us for any advice or assistance as you search for the perfect favors for every milestone event party. From bridal events to baby showers, IdoIdo can meet all of your favor needs. Let us help you honour your achievements in just the right way.

Opening Hours


9am - 6pm


9am - 6pm


9am - 6pm


9am - 6pm


9am - 6pm


2am - 6.30pm



Address & Contact

Our Address

33 Ubi Avenue 3, #03-43, VERTEX Singapore 408868


1.332955113400932, 103.89412711791647
